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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  November 18, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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accidental death or homicide? it's one of hollywood's most enduring mysteries. >> today, california police announced they're reopening the natalie wood case. >> hi. i'm kai jackson. >> i'm mary bubala. here's what people are talking about. >> almost three decades after this, los angeles police are reopening the case. new information is enough to look at exactly what happened off the coast of california. bigat shoban. >> reporter: this morning, the yacht captain on board the night natalie wood died, is telling reporters he lied to investigators. dennis davern now blames wooppeds' husband -- woods'
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husband, robert wagner for her death. davern said they had a fight shortly before she disappearedded into the woods off catalina island. >> i just didn't want my life to go by without telling the truth. >> the l.a. sheriff's office is deciding to take a look. >> we're going to reinterview some people, interview some new people, talk to people and reevaluate others. >> reporter: wood was 43 years old when she died. a three-time oscar nominee, who starred in such classics as miracle on 34th street and west side story. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: she had a stormy relationship with wagner. they divorced and remarried. a spokesperson for wagner says he fully supports the new investigation. in los angeles, bigad shaban,
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wjz eyewitness news. police say wagner is not a suspect. hear more in a special 48 hours tomorrow. watch the "vanity fair" hollywood scandal here on wjz. a frightening armed robbery at the university of maryland college park. monique griego has more on the suspects still at large tonight. monique? >> reporter: well, mary, we're learning the students walking alone were approached by two men last night. one of the men had a knife and robbed the students. the suspect then walked away. both suspects are said to be around 6'tall. one had dread locks in his hair. the student was not injured in that robbery. and this is the first robbery at college park in more than a year. >> anybody with information is asked to call 310-405-3555 or you can e-mail investigation at
4:03 pm another coach is accused of sexually assaulting boys. this time it is at syracuse university. >> reporter: syracuse police are investigating allegations that bernie fine, a long-time assistant basketball coach at syracuse university, molested two of the team's ball boys, stepbrother, in the 1980s and 1990s. the school is taking a very firm stand. in a statement, syracuse university said in 1995, it conducted a nearly four-month investigation of charges of what it called, "inappropriate conduct" by fine, but that those who would support the charges, quote, denied any allegation of wrongdoing. >> i know this kid, he said. but i never saw him in any rooms or anything. it is a bunch of a thousand lies that he has told.
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>> moments ago, fine released a statement, saying the molestation accusations are patently false. tragedy strikes. a plane carrying coaches goes down during a recruiting trip. alex demetrick has more on the crash that killed four people. >> mary, curt buttke -- excuse me. curt budkey and miranda slernom, their coach and assistant coach, went don in the crash. the pilot, former oklahoma state senator allen brand stetder and his wife paula also died. the ntsb has investigators on the way to determine the cause of the crash. in 2001, 10 men affiliated with osu's basketball team died in a plane crash in colorado. >> thank you so much. counselors are available on campus for students and the women's basketball games for
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tonight and tomorrow have been canceled. back here, anne arundel county police are interviewing a man who may have been planning to abduct a child. a 14-year-old boy tells police he was at a bus stop this morning when he was approached by two men in a red ford pickup truck. now, they asked if he needed a ride. he said no. a short time later, they reported another man. so far, no charges have been filed. occupy wall street protestors, on a two-week march to washington have made their way into maryland. a short time ago, they were in aberdeen. they expect to arrive in baltimore tomorrow. mike hellgren has the latest on a nation wide movement. >> reporter: the encampment here still going strong. and there's a group of marchers coming from new york city to washington, d.c. they are now in maryland and will be here in baltimore tonight. >> reporter: the dramatic clashes characterize a day of action for new york city.
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>> i'm waiting for the tanks to come rolling in. >> reporter: to los angeles. >> put down the tear gas guns! >> reporter: in portland, this video shows a woman getting pepper-sprayed in the face. in some cities, it did look like all-out war. but in baltimore, occupy demonstrations were peaceful as marchers walked the howard street bridge with a message. >> that would march every march into the seat, that their job is to make sure that we have everything we need to compete in the 21st century. >> reporter: and at mceldon square at the inner harbor, the encampment would remain. it has been done coast to coast, including dallas last night. >> we're here to support occupy wall street. all of the people who were wrong by bank of america. we're here to hold the public space again in what's going on in the system. >> reporter: a movement trying to be heard. upset over bank bailouts, a lack of jobs and lack of action
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in washington. "occupy" has shown no signs it's going away. >> about 200 people joined in that march yesterday. at mceldon square, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> mike, thank you. the occupy movement is now 2 months old. it is a clear, crisp day, across maryland owldz. -- outside. the sun is shining. there is a light breeze. there is a beautiful, fall day. meteorologist tim williams is here with the updated numbers from wiefort warn -- first warning weather. tim, you do have to bundle up. i don't want that to go without being said. >> you're right, mary. but maybe not so much as the weekend progresses. we have milder air moving our way. right now, we have high pressure in control in our forecast. that is just down to the south. it is going to continue to move up and away from us. and it will bring or allow mild air to come in from the southwest edge of it. and that's going to bring the high pressure we were talking about. milder air comes in for the weekend. and with that milder air,
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temperatures go right back up above our average, which is right now, just at about 56 degrees for this day. we'll have your complete updated first warning forecast in just a few moments. for now, kai, back to you. let's check on the roads with kristy breslin at wjz traffic control. >> hi, kai. hi, everyone. we are starting out with major delays on the inner loop of the beltway. only an hour now. bw parkway to perring parkway. another 15 minutes, not so bad there. security to frederick road. and a couple of slow spots for northbound 95. heavy there from pulaski highway to the beltway. and again on the southwest side. that's from 195 to the beltway in that region. as far as accidents go, liberty road at lions mill. we also have some police activity. both lanes are blocked. and two baltimore city accidents. west mount royal. and also loch raven boulevard at round hill road. let's now take a live look. as you can see, that is right
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smack dab in the middle of the beltway, west of york road. as i said, that delay is over an hour long. for the most up-to-date and accurate information available, you can count on us at back to you. >> thank you, kris tee. still -- kris tee. still ahead. the fascination of fantasy football. what clem experts say about fanatics and their wives. embarrassed in the air. a pilot gets locked in the bathroom just as the plane is supposed to land. but that's only part of the story. really bad stories. it's not just players involved in a high school fight. we'll have that story and this one, too. >> and it's friday. will the crisp, clear weather last for the weekend? ,,,,,,,,,,
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bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at
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caught red-handed. a bus driver, texting instead of driving or while she's driving. watch as she pays close attention to her cell phone and not the road or the students on the bus. the woman fumbles with the phone, even takes her eyes off the road for about 10 seconds. parents are outraged and the video has gone around and around. when the driver was asked about the distraction, she said she was watching a game on her phone. a high school soccer game turns ugly in massachusetts. a big brawl broke out after the two rival schools faced off for the state title. but it wasn't only the players involved in the brawl. fans and players came running off the bleachers and were off the scuffle. players quickly intervened. the ref was forced to call the game early. fantasy football. it's a football fan's dream. but it can also turn into an obsession.
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jeff glor reports from new york. brian fitzpatrick is a die- hard fan. but he's also rooting for dozens of other players who remember on another team. fitz patrick is another fantasy football player, and there are millions like him, spending hours, playing this football game. >> it brings a whole new level of excitement to watching the games. >> reporter: here's how it works. you dress players for their teams. each player can have many teams, even an entire league. at the end of the weekend, you determine your standing by checking how the real players did in the professional games. >> i'm constantly checking on my tone for the fantasy news. -- phone for the fantasy news. >> reporter: most players are checking scores, stats, results, each the players' health. fitzpatrick's wife kim knows the drill. >> i have a -- i don't have a husband most sundays. >> he spends all day sundays, watching fames in what he calls
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his beer cave. >> i didn't realize how intense it was, and how involved football will become in our life. >> reporter: she is not alone. millions of couples are coming to blows over fantasy football. >> it's really hard at first. >> reporter: aiela each started a facebook page, where so- called fantasy widows can find support. family therapist rachel sussman says everyone needs hobby. but the key is moderation. >> when anyone has an obsession or addiction that they're into, to the exclusion of their partner, it can cause problems. and therapists recommend that couples find a compromise when it comes to spending time things like fantasy sports and time with family. mixed news to the end of the week on wall street. >> the dow did end the week with some gains. the dow is up just 25. the nasdaq is off just a
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fraction. s&p is down a fraction. nasdaq down 15. let's go to new york right now. alexis christoforous has tonight's cbs money watch update. the index of leading economic indicators rose nearly 1% last month. a sign the economy may pick up in the coming months. but many investors are still cautious as a key congressional committee remains deadlocked on ways to cut the u.s. deficit. millions of americans who take deductions from mortgage interest, charitable donations and state tax would be subject to a plan that would raise taxes by $290 billion over the next decade to help reduce the nation's deficit. mario monty's few government has won a second confidence vote. monty is under pressure to save italy but also to prevent the
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disintegration of the euro. they will make foo calls -- video calls to their facebook friends. and shares of the retailer gab slid more than 3%, after quarterly sales and profits came. that's your money watch. for more, go to in new york, i'm alexis christoforous. scissors, a light bulb. and a gun. in your stomach? a new book shows pictures you have to see to believe from x- ray scans. here's just a preview of real shots from x-rayed items seen by a trio of physicians. the x-rays are all in a book call "stuck up," 100 objects inserted and injested in places where they shouldn't be. they range from things like caset tapes in the tummy, all
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the way to a gun. [ laughter ] >> all right. that does look interesting. >> is that an extenz cord? >> i don't know. where does hippaa fall into the equation? even if you can't see the patient, these are someone's x- rays. >> true. >> maybe they gave consent. you can't miss this story. a texas man almost dies twice, and it is all caught on tape. i'm ron matz. for 50 years, he captured baltimore in photographs. how you can own one of the works of a.r. bodine. the story coming up here on wjz. plus, we made it to the weekend is and there and a warmup coming just in time. >> wjz 13 is always on. for the top stories on, for instant updates and warning, go to ,,,,,,
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woman: day care can be expensive. so to save some money, i found one that uses robots instead of real people. 'cuz robots work for free. robot 1: good morning... robot 1: ...female child.
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sfx: modem dial-up noise woman: are there flaws? yeah, um, maybe. anncr: there's an easier way to save. anncr: get online. go to get a quote.
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a live look outside. really a beautiful end to this week. >> you know, it's deceiving.
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it looks much -- i mean, it is chilly out there, i will have to say. but it looks much colder, i think, than it is. >> than it actually is. >> looks just cold. but it's not. >> it's not. it's nice. >> no. it's pretty nice. you know, seasonally speaking, temperatures should be right around 56 degrees for this time of year. we're about 46. so we're just a little above that. but that will change,mary and kai, heading into this weekend. mild air moves into the region. and things get comfortable, heading into the next few days. 45 at bwi marshall. air is very dry. relative humidity at 36%, with the dry west wind, coming in at 6 miles per hour. 30.43 is your barometer reading. the coldest spot on the map right now is in oakland, at 36 degrees. 36 in oakland. 45 in elkton. 44 in ocean city. and as you come up the 95 corridor, we're at 45 in baltimore, columbia, rock hall. all at 45. and 46 on kent island and in annapolis. winds are coming from the west
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now from central maryland, will start to see a uniform shift from the west and eventually southwest, as the high pressure just down to our south starts to ease a little offshore. as it starts to ease away. it's that clockwise flow around that is going to start tapping into some of these temperatures. dow is at 64. 63 in new orleans. and 53 atlanta. those are the simples -- temperatures that are moving our way this weekend. high pressure in control of the lower 48 as we'll see. but the jet stream, you can kind of follow the pat of the jet stream by following the precipitation path. you follow the line. and all the way up, that's a lot of cold, cold air being locked in place. so all of this preipitation -- preisipitation has a -- preis cipitation has a bit of a wintry mix. we're going to see the warm air, milder air moving across
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the region. and we'll get above-normal highs by the end of the week. even though we'll have a chance of rain come tuesday into wednesday. the mild air will be with us. and that will only be rain for us. not going to see too much heading into the thanksgiving day holiday. but we will see the temperatures holding up, right around 60 degrees. and it's going to be comfortable, even though a little rain might be in the forecast by thursday. sunset today at 4:48. actually, here in about 38 minutes. 12:10 tomorrow morning is your next high tide. tomorrow night, below the normal low of 36. 54 degrees. mostly sunny. your normal high is 56. and for those who are going to be bundling up and heading on the -- out to the game, bengals. locking for clouds in the forecast. 58 degrees. daytime high at 51. and going up when that game kicks off. >> nice. thanks, tim. it's the opportunity of a lifetime, participating in the macy's thanksgiving day parade.
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six maryland students are leaving to do just that. andrea fujii spoke with two of them. >> the macy's 84th thanksgiving day parade. >> reporter: it kicks off the holiday season. the macy's thanksgiving day parade in new york city. one of the highlights of the show. the dancers and cheerleaders of spirit of america. and delaney high school seniors, caitlin wattler and summer hall. >> i was excited to be given an opportunity to have a place in the parade and go to new york in six days. >> reporter: the group is made up of about 2,000 high school and middle schoolers nationwide as delaney varsity cheer captains, both girls applied for the opportunity. >> it's a big honor. because a lot of people don't get chosen, or don't have the opportunity to go to this big event. >> reporter: in all, six maryland students are going, including four from carroll county. >> reporter: they've already learned the minute and a half routine. next, they leave on saturday, to practice with the entire
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group and shake off their nerves. >> i just hope that i don't mess up. because it is in front of the whole country. but i'm really excited, too. >> 90 seconds of doing what they love for the nation to see. andrea fujii, wjz eyewitness news. >> performing with spirit of america isn't free. it costs about $2,000 to participate. >> wow. well, don't miss tonight's cbs primetime lineup at 10:00. it's a new episode of blue blood, starring donny wahlberg and tom selleck, medicalled immediately by eyewitness news at 11:00. and we have been talking about the big game on sunday for the ravens as they host the cincinnati bengals. you can see the game live here on wjz at 1:00. scott pelley has a preview of what's coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. meet a newspaper columnist who helps the poor get back on
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their feet. and just wait until you see how he does it. when steve hartman goes on the road tomorrow night, on the cbs evening news. life-threatening side effects. why the fda is revoking its approval of the world's best- selling cancer drug. the day after the day of action. the latest on the occupy wall street movement. and what is different today in new york city. finally, weighing in. what the ncaa is saying about the penn state child sex abuse scandal. and break news about former coach joe paterno. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,inues now
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it is 4:30. 45 degrees and sunny. hello. thanks for staying with eyewitness news. i'm denise koch. >> and i'm vic carter. here's what people are talking about. >> breaking news.
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joe paterno's son says he has a treatable form of cancer. the ncaa is now launching its own investigation into the allegations and a possible cover-up. >> the first major miss, 1998. alleges by a mother of a 11- year-old boy, that her son had showered in the locker room with sandusky. according to the garage grand jury -- to the grand jury report, with lis listening in, sandusky apologizes, saying, i wish i were dead. but nothing was ever done. >> sandusky apparently had unrestricted access to, as part of his retirement agreement. >> reporter: 2000, a university janitor says he sees sandusky performing oral sex on a young boy in the shower. fearing for their jobs, both
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men keep their silence. and an alleged rape. grad assistant coach, mike mcqueary. what mcqueary describes as anal intercourse, is simply described as horsing around. going all the way to university president graham spannier. once again, no formal police investigation is conducted. >> now, joe paterno's son scott says his 84-year-old father is undergoing treatment and that his doctors are optimistic he'll make a full recovery. kai is live in the newsroom with the story. >> vic, herman cain's campaign now say its requested a secret service detail. the presidential candidate is the first to receive this election cycle. it is generally about four months before the general election. right now, it's not clear if the request was made in
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response to a police threat. police say that cain has been the target of at least one threatening phone call. the future is uncertain for the occupy wall street movement in new york, after the massive day of action is marred by violence between protestors and police. jay dow reports for wjz with the latest from lower manhattan. >> reporter: a ground cleaner now patrols the park that less than 24 hours ago, was overrun by occupy wall street protestors, media crews, and police in riot gear. supporters of the movement say its presence will be missed. >> it was nice to come to work with something interesting to -- you know, going on across the street. i visited at lunch all the time and was interested in what more people were saying. that was in the '60s and '70s and saw that. and i wanted to see how this was the same or different. >> didn't look like this was anything to see here.
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>> not much. going to get on the plane and go home. >> reporter: others who work and live in this neighborhood say they are glad to see the occupy movement occupy space somewhere else. >> my customer is coming back. your regular customers are coming back? >> yes. >> you could tell, they were just here by everything. they could do anything they want. i'm happy for them. just glad they're not here every day. >> reporter: now, some new york officials are now calling for an investigation into the police raid of zucoty park. state police make an arrest in a string of armed robberies stretching into maryland. they say michael melpass held up the area. he was also suspected in robberies in harford, cecil and baltimore counties, over the last week and a half. police credit tips from the public for the arrest. two brothers accused in the horrific case of animal abuse. travis and tremain johnson are charged.
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the dog, later nicknamed phoenix. the first trial ended in a hung jury, with 11 favoring a guilty verdict. and one lone holdout. >> the fda approves a controversial cancer drug. >> well, denise, the drug avastin is no longer recommended to treat patients with metstatic breast cancer. the fda formally pulled approval after they proved it far outweighed any benefits. clinical trials show only a impact on tumor growth. and no improvement on quality or length of life. it also raises the risk of high blood pressure, massive bleeding or heart failure. doctors can still prescribe avastin but health insurance companies are barred from covering the cost. >> it is still approved to treat certain types of colon, lung, kidney and brain cancer. the ex-wife of former south
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south african president nelson mandela is in the hospital today am the 75-year-old tirelessly campaigned for her ex-husband's release during his 27-year prison term under south african apartheid. a raging wildfire in reno has devoured thousands of homes. and thousands more are at risk. nearly 10,000 people are at their homes. wind gusts in excess of 60 miles an hour are making this especially difficult to contain. firefighters warn it could be days before they bring the fire under control. the weekend is here. and the sun is shining brightly. here's a look at a cool and dry afternoon. bob is here now with the updated numbers from first warning weather. beautiful, cold afternoon. a chilly night tonight. but we've got good news to the weekend. take a look at radar. there's nothing around here. in fact, we can go about 950 miles away before we see any
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precip at all. and that's not going to get here until maybe, maybe a shower. we're in the mid-40s. for the weekend, tomorrow, high pressure is over us tonight. moves offshore. that means the winds go back to the west/southwest. and that means milder air. tomorrow, maybe 6 to 8 degrees warmer than today. and even warmer on sunday. we'll have that forecast for the ravens game coming up. denise? >> thank you, bob. let's check on the roads with kristy breslin. >> well, that delay on the inner loop is just one long delay. it's over an hour, beginning back at the bw parkway, to perring parkway. 20 minutes on the outer loop. from security boulevard to frederick road. not quite as bad. but you're still moving at only about 40 piles an hour. and problems on 70, westbound direction. also eastbound. very heavy there as you make your way to the beltway, at least 15 minutes to get by. northbound 95.
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crawling along there. from pulaski highway to the beltway. and several different accidents out there. eastern boulevard at semmers run. bel air road at east jop a. north monford avenue at east madison. and west forest park avenue at garrett boulevard. let's take a live look. as you can see plenty of brake lights west of york road. this traffic report is brought to you by auto service plus. it's service you can trust. check out their fall and maintenance specials. to find a location nearest you, go to auto service back to you. he's a baltimore icon. a.r. bodine was the legendary photographer. you'll have a chance to buy some of his images tomorrow. >> from the chesapeake bay, aubrey bodine captured baltimore and maryland, like no one else. >> he was attracted to a lot of
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different scenes. people, portraits, the waterfront, landmarks. just every day life in maryland. >> reporter: john walk cataloged bodine's work. 7,000 of his photographs will be up for bid. and alex cooper's auctioneers. all from the sun paper archives. >> here's a guy who has his calling. and you can tell he loves these photographs. and he loved what he was doing. >> reporter: from the 1958 all- star game to the motion picture sensor board to this unusual look at baltimore's famous whitemarshle steps. images from another era. >> before the days of digital photography, the internet, before the high-definition tvs. this is how people were able to learn what was going on, you know, in maryland. >> most of them are going to sell. i mean, all of -- most of the images are iconic maryland images. and i think that there is something for everybody. i think that people will show up and they'll find something they'll want to take home. >> ron matz, wjz eyewitness
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news. >> aubrey bodine worked for the sun. he died in 1970. tomorrow it begins at 11:00 a.m. did you see the prices on the wall? >> yeah. >> food is like 10 cents. >> yeah, in the photo. 7,000 photos, wow. straight ahead at 4:00. danger caught on tape. a dramatic scene is caught on a dash camera. the next stop after studying athletes attempted to diagnosis. the sun is taking the chill out of the air. will it warm up in time? we're hoping so. bob will have the first warning forecast coming up. ,,,,,,
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a murderer is executed in idaho for killing two women. paul ezra roads was declared dead this morning. he died by lethal injection by
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maximum security. rhodes was executed in 1957. it was the first in idaho since 1954. a man is dead after and the other barely survived after being pulled into a scam. it happened after a man went into ohio, after seeing a craigslist ad saying it was looking for a worker. he was shot and ran. police went back to the area and found another victim in a shallow grave. a 16-year-old has been charged with attempted murder. shocking footage in indiana. >> reporter: lafayette police have released video that shows a man dead. this shows the foot chase of 39- year-old paul spencer. in it, you see him crashing while officers order him to put his hands down. that's when they get out of the car, waving a large knife. that's when police shot him
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seven times. denise? >> thank you, mary. all lafayette officers were cleared of any wrongdoings. >> amazing video. chris gray had a heart attack and then fell straight onto the metro light rail tracks in houston. and two passing metro police officers jumped in to give him cpr and called for backup. gray is expected to recover while he is grateful to the stranger who saved his life. a bathroom break caused a scare in the air heading from north carolina to new york. the problem started when the pilot got stuck in the lavatory. christopher aguilar has the story from new york. >> the captain has disappeared in the back. and i have someone with a thick foreign accent trying to access the cockpit now. >> the passenger tried to explain the situation. the copilot remained doubtful.
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>> someone with a thick foreign accent is asking for access and i'm not letting him in. >> reporter: they decided not to take chances. >> just get on the round. >> reporter: but it was averted when the pilot finally managed to get out of the lavatory. >> we're all good and ready to start the approach. >> well, the fbi and port authority police met the plane when it landed. the airline said officers talked to the passenger and quickly realized what had happened. a new study will take a closer look at the brains of nfl players. researchers are studying a degenerative brain disease in former athletes. they plan to test about 100 retired nfl players to try to learn how to diagnose the condition. the study had to learn how to experience this. in tonight's wjz healthwatch. fibromyalgia is a debilitating pain disorder that affects 6
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million women -- six million people, mostly women. >> reporter: it wasn't long ago that jean haus couldn't walk down the street with her family. >> there was nothing i couldn't do without pain. >> reporter: the 43-year-old was tested for a variety of ailments, from depression to cancer. she was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia, an illness that causes long-term, body wide pain in the muscles and muscles and tissue. >> it finally got to where if you touched me like that, i was in pain. >> reporter: doctors implanted an electronic stimulator in a nerve in her neck. in effect, cancels out much of the pain. doctors have used similar stimulation for treating epilepsy and depression. >> we thought, gee, let's try this on patients who have not responded to the best medical
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therapy possible. >> reporter: the cause of fibromyalgia is unknown. doctors are even now using aspect depressants to treat it. >> reporter: haus feel its. her throat constricts and her voice becomes hoarse. >> reporter: after years of being miserable, the mother of two says it's a small price to pay for relief. >> i went from having no life to having a life. >> reporter: haus still has fibromyalgia pain. but she's back to being a teacher and able to take care of her family again. >> reporter: manuel gallegus, wjz eyewitness news. >> there are some doctors who don't believe in the disorder and getting the right diagnosis can be difficult. heard on the set, former california governor, arnold schwarzenegger turns to twitter about a work-related injury. he tweeted about it and included a picture of a bloody gash to his forehead. his tweet said, got a little
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banged up on set today. thanks to the medical set who got me back in action an hour later. final goodbye. regis philbin made his final appearance as host of "live with regis and kelly" today. philbin hosts the guinness world record for the most time on air by tv personality. he hasn't said if or when he'll return to television in another format. as for replacement, a succession of co-hosts will join kelly rippa, some in contention for the permanent job. this diving dog is sure to impress. watch bob the dog in action. he is known for his spiral stunts, where he paused and claws his way down to the depths of the family pool. see? mine doesn't do that. then comes up for air with the toy in his mouth. bob is making quite the splash.
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most dogs will not do that. they'll get in on the surface. but that's it. >> i wonder how they discovered he liked to do this. >> i don't know. peanut butter-flavored treats. it's been chillier than average today. but that's going to change this weekend. >> bob turk has details of a warmup in his first warning forecast next. [ female announcer ] at, you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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for a great vacation you can't beat mississippi. sure you can, it's called louisiana. hang on, florida's where folk's want to be. that's only until they get a taste of alabama hospitality. we can't agree on which state's best, but we can agree on one thing, wherever you vacation in the gulf, you'll have a great time. great seafood, beautiful beaches and fun for the whole family. we've got intimate bed and breakfast right on the water. cafe's with views of the gulf. go blue water fishing, ride a kayak, or just enjoy the world's best weather and soak up the world's best sun. we've gone all out to make this year the best ever.
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and we are 100% open for business. you mean 100% open for fun. here in the best part of the gulf. louisiana, florida, alabama, mississippi. this could go on for a while.
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we're with the sun. >> way off in the distance. it's going to have should have those jet veil trails. up there around 40,000 feet. it's like 20 below to zero. let's take a lock at temps and conditions. it was a chilly day today. but very dry. 45 now. the dew point way down at 20 degrees. humidity, only 36%. west winds 6. calming down tonight. it will be a very chilly night. most places getting below freezing once again. 30.43, the barometer on the way back up. still, it's only 36 in oakland. 44, ocean city at elkton. and 42 alt hagerstown.
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d.c. at 46. once again, with the dew point so low, clear skies, light winds, it's going to get quite chilly tonight. 46 down by annapolis. winds close to the water. winds generally out of the west and northwest. tomorrow, the big change will be the winds will coming back out of the southwest. if coming out of like texas, oklahoma or the gulf coast, it's going to start warming up. and it will. looklook at these temperatures now. minneapolis is 48. we're 45. this milder air. denver, 66. you talk about crazy weather. you know, they have a blizzard like in september. and three weeks later, it's 77 degrees. 66. 75 in phoenix. the warm air here is going to be moving in our direction, all weekend long. the really cold stuff is going to stay right along the northern tier there. bismarck at 71. places in montana. that cold air is pretty much staying across the northern
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tier. and at this point, we don't see anything really cold here in the east. at least not through thanksgiving. in fact, i know it's a long time from now. but it looks like it will be generally in the 40 and the low 50s by the end of next week. and should be hope nedry. right now. for the time being, this high moves off the coast. now, sunday night and monday, there may be clouds. it won't be that big of clouds. there may be showers out across portions of the ohio valley. the best chance is probably by the middle of next week before things clear out. clear and cold. temperatures near upper 20s to low 30s. the normal low in the mid-30s as you see. 54 degrees tomorrow, which is about 6 to 7 degrees warmer than today. normal low is 56. and an even warmer day on sunday. should be a great weekend. >> boy. thank you, bob.
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still to come on eyewitness news tonight. baltimore city twin brothers are on trial again for an animal abuse case that disgusted people across the country. i'm weijia jiang from downtown, with the latest ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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brothers in an animal abuse case. the teens charged for kill a pit bull. what happened today. crime on campus. the brazen robbery that put the university of maryland on alert. i'm gigi barnett at the university of maryland. that story is coming up. hitting the road with the occupy movement. i'm mike hellgren, with them on
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their march to new york to washington, d.c. check in for more on these stories and all the day's breaking news. eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now. hi. i'm kai jackson. >> and i'm mary bubala. here's what people are talking about. >> we have breaking news about former penn state coach joe paterno. denise has more on his health. >> reporter: according to family members, joe paterno has lung cancer. the 84-year-old is undergoing treatment and his doctors are optimistic that he will make a full recovery. he was diagnosed during a follow-up visit to a


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